Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego? As I slipped into this hat I couldn't help but feel like Carmen Sandiego. Carmen, who usually had some kind of "master plan," would always escape and she never did give up her five finger discount (thievery) However, with Böhme Boutique you don't have to use any discount because their [...]

Dating Steve Madden Boots on Sale for 50% off! // Shirt: Albion Fit // Pants: Böhme Boutique // Bag: Lululemon I love dating. I think I'm pretty good at dating. The flirtatious banter and witty text sesh's are my gluten free bread and organic butter. Wanna know what I'm horrible at? Well since I'm assuming you've [...]

THE NOONER When you gotta get it in quickly I have an obsession with my gym. It's the greatest place on earth and I say that partly because I'm going to the happiest place on earth tomorrow and wishing I could stay there all winter in order to miss out on the greatest snow on [...]

#ScaryShabby Real Housewife of the 1950's All dressed up and nowhere to go. I envy the 1950’s housewife who daily would get dolled up, look adorable and parade to the grocery store for fresh fruit and flowers. More often than not, I’m wearing a gym outfit, no makeup and look like I’ve just taken a [...]

Costco Leggings for The Kill Fall Fashion at it's Finest Moment Known for their samples, liberal return policy, toilet paper quantities, coffins and general bulk pricing steals, Costco manages to continually impress, surprise and delight. My most recent expedition into Costco's massive-yet inviting- depths revealed a gem of epic proportions; leggings! If you don't know by now, [...]

Sweater: Lululemon // Leggings: Zella // Boots: Vince Camuto Old but similar // Lip Stain: Stila in True Red Stila Lip Stain I woke up feeling like garbage this morning. I could blame myself, I could blame destiny or I could blame a perfectly crafted piece of Hollywood cinema that was orchestrated just thus [...]

Wifey Material What is Wifey Material in the Modern Age and Other Complex Ridiculousness As we all know, the foremost authority on pop culture terms and insights is the Urban Dictionary. Sometimes so foul and egregious that I lose faith in humanity, other times, it's simply useful. I use them to navigate Instagram hashtags and [...]

Paradise Fuji Apple Chicken Salad When I dip.. You dip.. We dip I'm all about dipping; Skinny dipping, double dipping, but most importantly, dipping my fork in the salad dressing before each bite in order to use less. Pretty good idea if I don’t say so myself! Not only does it minimize the calories, but [...]

Men... You're Welcome. The great gift of leggings. As I sit here legging clad I can't help but feel a sense of sincere gratitude to the men before us who in fact wore leggings. You look back at the Kings court and see men adorning these ridiculously comfortable bottoms. We can go ahead and leave [...]

Starbucks Inspired Paleo Pumpkin Spice Latte and Coffee Free Version We know it's fall when Pumpkin Spice Latte's bombard our Instagram feeds along with an influx of mountainous landscapes displaying the changing leaves. Not to mention spandex-clad bums frolicking about in Ugg Boots that are a quintessential must in endless piles of newly fallen leaves. [...]